$15,000 to help art fight against climate change

Climate change, and the fight to reduce its effects, has been at the forefront of most recent social and political debates, and art is no exception to this phenomenon, with many institutions launching programs to help combat this global issue.

Joining in, is the Helen Frankenthaler Foundation, collaborating with the Asia Society to create the Frankenthaler Climate Art Awards. The prize consists of $15,000 grants given to U.S. based students still enrolled or having freshly graduated from Master Of Fine Arts (M.F.A) degrees. The aim of the program being to instill a sense of awareness among a new generation of artists, who will have to suffer directly from the consequences of climate change.


Starting January 2022, artists as well as collectives can go online to submit their works themed around climate change. Three winners will be selected by a jury panel to receive the prize and will be honoured at the Kennedy Center in April 2022.


“We look forward to discovering what young emerging artists, whose lives are inextricably enmeshed with the climate crisis, have to say about this pivotal issue for humanity.” said Orville Schell, the director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations at the Asia Society, in a Statement.