Who are the three most expensive Brazilian artists on the market?

Tarsila do Amaral, A Caipirinha, 1923 © BOLSA DEL ARTE
After the sale of "A caipirinha" (1923) at auction in December, Brazilian modernist Tarsila do Amaral has joined the ranks of the most expensive Brazilian, and indeed Latin American, artists.

The painting, embroiled in a legal battle and sold by court order, set a personal record for the artist and surpassed its estimate of $47.5 million reais ($9.25 million) to scoop 57.5 million reais ($11.2 million) as the highest of 19 bids.


The result at auction supersedes the previous records for the most expensive work by a Brazilian artist, pipping Alberto de Veiga Guignard’s "Vaso de flores" (5.7 million reais, 2015) and Lygia Clark’s "Modulated Surface No. 4" (5.3 million reais, 2013) to the top spot.